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CULTIVATING SELF-LOVE: tips to improve your internal dialogue

Since the beginning of time, women have had a poor mind about themselves. They physical and mental worth I looked dow upon, considering them inferior to men. Their thoughts, ideas and contributions are not taken seriously because of their gender. This has led to women passing their low self- worth and poor self-image to generations over generations: women grow up putting themselves down . Their internal dialogue -The voice in their head- criticizes them, making them doubt their worth. This blog will explore how a woman with little self-love struggles with her inner monologue, suggesting tips to improve her self-image. 

What is internal dialogue

Internal dialogue is the set of considerations, assumptions, rules, rights, judgments, expectations, memories, evaluations and attributions of meanings that are constantly activated in response to stimuli coming from the external environment (events, other people’s behaviors, etc.) or internal environment. (physical sensations, thoughts, memories, etc.). According to each person, it is experienced with different speeds, tonalities and non-verbal nuances depending on the emotional state that is experienced.


Internal dialogue was a form of adaptation, since at that moment we couldn’t do anything else. We needed those reference figures. It arises from situations in which the child has been neglected in his or her needs, has been alone, mistreated, used, little seen or valued, something that can occur because the circumstances of the caregivers did not allow them to be present enough or also because they reproduce what they learned as children.
For example, if a child’s father dies, he will feel abandoned and, in addition, his mother may not be present either because of the grief. Or the parents may have to work all hours to support it. Or that his parents argue constantly and he suffers from it.
In many cases, all these early experiences lead us to develop with deficiencies that will accompany us in adult life, as basic needs have not been met (being seen, feeling heard, loved, valued and welcomed, among others) in the childhood.

They are shortcomings in the face of which we begin an internal dialogue to justify what was happening.

post about internal dialogue


  • Demand dialogues.In some people the dialogue is moralistic and demanding, it requires everyone to conform to rules of perfection and, when this is not the case, the reaction is angry and accusatory.
  • Critical dialogues. With other people, when something happens, the dialogue always turns against them and, instead of criticizing or distributing responsibilities, they blame themselves for everything, they feel that they are worthless, that they are a disaster, that they do not deserve respect, they mistreat themselves. themselves, they believe that they are stupid or that they have an indelible defect, etc.
  • Dialogues that blame others. There are people who avoid pain in such a way that in their internal dialogue there is always an external person responsible for their discomfort. And they are very good and wonderful, but others are not able to see it.
  • Defensive dialogues. There are also those whose dialogue is basically defensive, because others represent a threat, and thus they attack them while saying that they are defending themselves. His dialogue takes the form of “don’t let others see me weak, before they hurt me, I hurt them.”
  • Conciliatory dialogue. There are also those who have a dialogue in which they always feel that nothing is happening, that it is not with them, and who constantly seek conciliation without taking themselves into account.
tips for internal dialogue

7 tips to improve your internal dialogue

From today you can begin to be aware of how your internal dialogue devalues you and prevents you from connecting with your self-love.
These 7 tips on how to identify negative internal dialogue and transform it will transform your self-image and self-love.

1- The morning critic

Once she wakes up and stands in front the mirror, the inner critic takes charges, criticizing and scrutinizing her appearance: “Look at those eye bags”, “ you aren’t pretty enough “.

The morning critic pts a damper on the spirits of a woman struggling with self-love. Her day starts with her vision of a poor self-image, taking a toll on her mental and physical health. 

2- Constant comparisons 

The internal dialogue makes the woman suffer more by comparing her to others, making her feel inferior, lees accomplished, lees beautiful, less successful, and less desirable. It makes her question her worth, putting down her appearance and achievements : She ´s better than you, Look at how she talks, look at her perfect body and she’s done so many amazing things.

Comparing oneself to others makes you see the good in otheprslives rather than their difficulties and hardships. So you feel inadaquate and paralyzed , unable to achieve anything due to self-doubt. 

3- Societal Expectations

A woman´s internal dialogue makes her believe she must fulfill everyone’s expectations to be a good person:Your friends are already married. Why aren’t you ?” “ She just landed an amazing job, why are you still unemployed ?”

Instead of tuning out the voices of others, a woman’s internal dialogue continues to remind her of a ticking clock that can put a lot of mental stress on her health.

4- External Approval. 

A woman’s internal dialogue only critiques harshly. It does not provide self-validation or approval. Instead, it seeks external validation from others: “ does she like me?””do they think of me as a good person?”.

The desire for external approval can make one do a lot of things she does not want to. It can make a woman rely on others approval, making self-love and self- acceptance difficult. This hinders one form forming healthy and authentic relationships as the fear of disapproval and rejection can make genuine connections difficult. 

5- The night critic. 

As a woman comes to rest after a long and tiring day of psysical work and mental stress, her internal dialogue forces her to focus on her shortcomings and flaws.

Her night critic constantly replays she’s mistakes and errors, making her feel worse about her failures: “ Why did you make that mistake ?”” You shouldn’t have said that “. This can make ir harder for a woman to relax and get a good nights sleep. 

6_ A glimmer of hope

For a woman to change her life, it is important to realize the role played about her internal dialogue. When she starts challenging the negativity: Why am I being so mean to myself?”she can work towards being as kind to herself as she is to others. She can start reminding herself that making mistakes and not being perfect is okay.

Slowly, theses affirmations will fight the negative thoughts in her internal dialogue, making her feel more confortable in her being. This will be a slow process with two steps back and one step forward, bit it will be worth it for a positive and happier life. 

7- Selling professional support. 

When you have spent a lifetime believing all the mean things your internal monologue tells you, it can be tough to work on cultivating self-love and practicing self-compassion. It can be hard to embrace your imperfections and own them confidently . S instead of struggling alone, it can be helpful to seek professional help. Aprofessional coaching therapist can provide consistent support, motivation, and guidance to silence your inner critic, helping you navigate life with light and positivity. 

How to find self-love with Natalie Coach therapy

If you want to develop love for yourself and prioritize self-care but don’t kwon to begin, my personalized caching lessons will help you. By focusing on your strengths and goals, you understanding, and taking small steps every day. 

Love yourself Again© is a life coaching program focused on discovering your toxic mental patterns, imposed beliefs, taboos and much more about self-love and how to express it in your relationships.

Reference pages:

Through my highly personalized coaching sessions, I will bring peace, balance, and restoration to your personality. Aiding you in the process of self-discovery and personal growth, I will support your journey toward maintaining happier and healthier relationships and family ties.

Since the beginning of time, women have had a poor mind about themselves. They physical and mental worth I looked dow upon, considering them inferior to men. Their thoughts, ideas and contributions are not taken seriously because of their gender. This has led to women passing their low self- worth and poor self-image to generations over generations: women grow up putting themselves down . Their internal dialogue -The voice in their head- criticizes them, making them doubt their worth. This blog will explore how a woman with little self-love struggles with her inner monologue, suggesting tips to improve her self-image. 

What is internal dialogue

Internal dialogue is the set of considerations, assumptions, rules, rights, judgments, expectations, memories, evaluations and attributions of meanings that are constantly activated in response to stimuli coming from the external environment (events, other people’s behaviors, etc.) or internal environment. (physical sensations, thoughts, memories, etc.). According to each person, it is experienced with different speeds, tonalities and non-verbal nuances depending on the emotional state that is experienced.


Internal dialogue was a form of adaptation, since at that moment we couldn’t do anything else. We needed those reference figures. It arises from situations in which the child has been neglected in his or her needs, has been alone, mistreated, used, little seen or valued, something that can occur because the circumstances of the caregivers did not allow them to be present enough or also because they reproduce what they learned as children.
For example, if a child’s father dies, he will feel abandoned and, in addition, his mother may not be present either because of the grief. Or the parents may have to work all hours to support it. Or that his parents argue constantly and he suffers from it.
In many cases, all these early experiences lead us to develop with deficiencies that will accompany us in adult life, as basic needs have not been met (being seen, feeling heard, loved, valued and welcomed, among others) in the childhood.

They are shortcomings in the face of which we begin an internal dialogue to justify what was happening.

post about internal dialogue


  • Demand dialogues.In some people the dialogue is moralistic and demanding, it requires everyone to conform to rules of perfection and, when this is not the case, the reaction is angry and accusatory.
  • Critical dialogues. With other people, when something happens, the dialogue always turns against them and, instead of criticizing or distributing responsibilities, they blame themselves for everything, they feel that they are worthless, that they are a disaster, that they do not deserve respect, they mistreat themselves. themselves, they believe that they are stupid or that they have an indelible defect, etc.
  • Dialogues that blame others. There are people who avoid pain in such a way that in their internal dialogue there is always an external person responsible for their discomfort. And they are very good and wonderful, but others are not able to see it.
  • Defensive dialogues. There are also those whose dialogue is basically defensive, because others represent a threat, and thus they attack them while saying that they are defending themselves. His dialogue takes the form of “don’t let others see me weak, before they hurt me, I hurt them.”
  • Conciliatory dialogue. There are also those who have a dialogue in which they always feel that nothing is happening, that it is not with them, and who constantly seek conciliation without taking themselves into account.
tips for internal dialogue

7 tips to improve your internal dialogue

From today you can begin to be aware of how your internal dialogue devalues you and prevents you from connecting with your self-love.
These 7 tips on how to identify negative internal dialogue and transform it will transform your self-image and self-love.

1- The morning critic

Once she wakes up and stands in front the mirror, the inner critic takes charges, criticizing and scrutinizing her appearance: “Look at those eye bags”, “ you aren’t pretty enough “.

The morning critic pts a damper on the spirits of a woman struggling with self-love. Her day starts with her vision of a poor self-image, taking a toll on her mental and physical health. 

2- Constant comparisons 

The internal dialogue makes the woman suffer more by comparing her to others, making her feel inferior, lees accomplished, lees beautiful, less successful, and less desirable. It makes her question her worth, putting down her appearance and achievements : She ´s better than you, Look at how she talks, look at her perfect body and she’s done so many amazing things.

Comparing oneself to others makes you see the good in otheprslives rather than their difficulties and hardships. So you feel inadaquate and paralyzed , unable to achieve anything due to self-doubt. 

3- Societal Expectations

A woman´s internal dialogue makes her believe she must fulfill everyone’s expectations to be a good person:Your friends are already married. Why aren’t you ?” “ She just landed an amazing job, why are you still unemployed ?”

Instead of tuning out the voices of others, a woman’s internal dialogue continues to remind her of a ticking clock that can put a lot of mental stress on her health.

4- External Approval. 

A woman’s internal dialogue only critiques harshly. It does not provide self-validation or approval. Instead, it seeks external validation from others: “ does she like me?””do they think of me as a good person?”.

The desire for external approval can make one do a lot of things she does not want to. It can make a woman rely on others approval, making self-love and self- acceptance difficult. This hinders one form forming healthy and authentic relationships as the fear of disapproval and rejection can make genuine connections difficult. 

5- The night critic. 

As a woman comes to rest after a long and tiring day of psysical work and mental stress, her internal dialogue forces her to focus on her shortcomings and flaws.

Her night critic constantly replays she’s mistakes and errors, making her feel worse about her failures: “ Why did you make that mistake ?”” You shouldn’t have said that “. This can make ir harder for a woman to relax and get a good nights sleep. 

6_ A glimmer of hope

For a woman to change her life, it is important to realize the role played about her internal dialogue. When she starts challenging the negativity: Why am I being so mean to myself?”she can work towards being as kind to herself as she is to others. She can start reminding herself that making mistakes and not being perfect is okay.

Slowly, theses affirmations will fight the negative thoughts in her internal dialogue, making her feel more confortable in her being. This will be a slow process with two steps back and one step forward, bit it will be worth it for a positive and happier life. 

7- Selling professional support. 

When you have spent a lifetime believing all the mean things your internal monologue tells you, it can be tough to work on cultivating self-love and practicing self-compassion. It can be hard to embrace your imperfections and own them confidently . S instead of struggling alone, it can be helpful to seek professional help. Aprofessional coaching therapist can provide consistent support, motivation, and guidance to silence your inner critic, helping you navigate life with light and positivity. 

How to find self-love with Natalie Coach therapy

If you want to develop love for yourself and prioritize self-care but don’t kwon to begin, my personalized caching lessons will help you. By focusing on your strengths and goals, you understanding, and taking small steps every day. 

Love yourself Again© is a life coaching program focused on discovering your toxic mental patterns, imposed beliefs, taboos and much more about self-love and how to express it in your relationships.

Reference pages:

Through my highly personalized coaching sessions, I will bring peace, balance, and restoration to your personality. Aiding you in the process of self-discovery and personal growth, I will support your journey toward maintaining happier and healthier relationships and family ties.

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